  • Cemeteries
  • Jewish neighborhoods
  • Museums, exhibitions and memorials
  • Synagogue

Many places once used as cemeteries have been identified. The first, across the Arno, at the Chiasso de’ Giudei, was replaced by a second near what is currently the Lungarno della Zecca; this in turn was supplanted by others, which were created in the Porta San Frediano area. Here in 1777 the plot was purchased on today’s Viale Ariosto, to house the new Jewish burial ground which still exists, although it is no longer in use. This was joined in 1884 by the Rifredi cemetery, designed by architect Marco Treves. When it will no longer be possible to use it, a new cemetery will be founded in the San Silvestro (Cercina) area, with its grounds designed by the architect Renzo Funaro.

Via di Caciolle 13, Florence

Information for visits: